President’s Address
Annual General Meeting 2021
My warmest greetings to our Legal Advisor, Mr. James Edwin; MIPA’s Deputy President, Dr. Lee Boon Ho; Our Honorary Secretary, Miss Elaine Tang; Assistant Secretary, Mr. Teoh Chong Guan; Our Honorary Treasurer, Miss Lai Choy Ha; Our 2020 – 2012 Committee Members; MIPA’s members and members of the floor. A healthy morning to all of you for participating in this year’s MIPA 13th AGM.
I laud MIPA as an association for helping the community and human beings as a whole in realizing the promise of the real change. Through MIPA’s initiatives, we hope to promote more practical trainings to our members so that they can chase for financial freedom, better income and economic stability in the near future. If you put in more efforts with the training opportunities we provide, the service you perform as an iridologist and other health related endeavors can be truly remarkable.
In pursuit of sustainable progress, we’ll try to implement training policies and programs that can contribute to iridology advancement to a more robust modality. Indeed, with our collective efforts to get members are slow, we’re still strong enough to wait and see how MIPA eventually will expand. With rising environmental threats happening around the world, may we also remind Iridologists to practice sustainability, be socially wise and support eco-friendly business approach. Let us be reminded that the pandemic threat is still here to stay – so stay safe and be healthy….
Now, more than ever, support from all concern is imperative as we keep true to our sustainability commitment. More importantly, our convergent initiatives will continue to focus on stimulating the economy and achieving inclusive growth through the health industry. To be responsive and competitive in this era of disruptions, innovation and adaptation will ensure that our best effort are well appreciated and protected by responsible citizens.
Times are fast changing where businesses are also being disrupted with digital technology and are forced to either adapt to new practices or reinvent their business models. Decision making no longer just rely on historical information but driven by data and influenced by artificial intelligence algorithm. Even today’s CEO has to shift his role, as well as the impact he makes in his organization. He must not just be a Steward for the company’s coffers, but also have the ability to turn financial data into insights, generate business intelligence, build collaborative teams, and not just rely on his own ability to make better decisions.
This is why the search for better understanding of our health through iridology has become more challenging. In the past 30 years that Iridologists worldwide has been operating, have we seen so many transformative changes than in this present environment. And never have we seen so many Natural Health Practitioners rising up to this challenge and Iridology is a modality a lot of people are pursuing internationally.
We are optimistic that MIPA will continue to assist its members to grow and yield more benefits. My deepest thanks to the hardworking, dedicated, able Committee Members and the strong support from our members where the more person to person Iris reading experience they gain will personalize a REAL service to wellness. The fulfillment of the client’s health dream is tantamount to the success of your practice. In this rapidly changing world we live in, a Society like MIPA will work with practitioners who understand the importance of doing good not just for their financial gains but also for the good of society and the planet. As we shine the spotlight on our 13th AGM, I wish You and MIPA a continue success in the years ahead!
In Iridology I served,
Dr Goh Kee Soon M.D.(A.M.) PhD.