President’s Address
Annual General Meeting 2019
My warmest greetings to our Legal Advisor – Mr. James Edwin; MIPA’s Deputy President – Dr. Lee Boon Ho; our Honorary Secretary – Dr. Tan Gim Joo, and Assistant Secretary, Miss Elaine; our Honorary Treasurer – Dr. La Choy Ha; our 2017/2018 Committee Members; MIPA’s members and members of the floor. A healthy morning to all of you.
This occasion is a testament to the enduring relationship between the Committee of MIPA and its Members, not only in the scope of Iridology practice but also in enhancing a better understanding and togetherness. For almost a decade, our Association has provided quality educational talks and iridology lectures to members, offering a bi-monthly “Practical Iridology Study” that will open the opportunity for those who wanted to pursue the Art of Iridology. Doing so can indeed help members to improve the quality of practice to then being able to have a stable career, improve the quality of their life and attaining a productive future for themselves and their families. I call on all the practitioners to always embody the Association’s values of integrity, resilience, excellence, and provide selfless service for the betterment of our nation.
Since the beginning of time, seasons have taught the earliest men to prepare for the unforeseen changes and challenges that each season brings. I believe that your transition from your first exposure to Iridology practice has taught you this as well. The changing season of one’s life, similar to any life changing transition can be daunting, but we must embrace these changes and challenges openly for they always play an important role in keeping us on our toes, pushing us to adapt, improve and become better than who we were before. The dream that you have figuratively planted for yourself in MIPA is nearing it’s full bloom, lessons, mistakes and experiences have strengthened your roots and your foundation is steady, ready to take on the next season of your life. I watch the tree leaves withering off with the wind, and I think of you, our future Iridologists, as you venture out of the world. It is my wish that you’ll discover the limitless possibilities in stores for you not only as Iridologists but, yet another dream as executives or becoming Entrepreneurs.
Global instability and a highly disturbing health condition of mankind have made the health industry more selective in hiring health professionals, choosing health specialists or looking for a natural health consultants. I believe that the rigid training you have and with MIPA’s continuing guidance you received will secure you a place in this hiring list of health professionals. I sincerely urged Iridologists to uphold the work ethic and standards of comportment from MIPA, for you’re not representing only your practice but more importantly your image, and your rice bowl as well.
Today is a day of celebration and nostalgia, as we look back on our journey over the past nine years – the friendships and brotherhood that you’ve forged within the members, the mentor- ship and guidance that you’ve received from MIPA, the support and love you’ve enjoyed from your families and friends, and the unwavering determination and grit that have led you to where you are today. As you continue to embark on your iridology journey, I encourage you to always remain grounded towards your professionalism; that is, remaining loyal and faithful to the values that MIPA has passed on to you. Keep on expanding your views, explore your potential and spread your wings in this big challenging world which is within your reach.
Iridology as a tool has served as an Instrument in shaping Iridologists to becoming future world class natural health providers. I trust God will keep us healthy and peaceful as we bravely take on this volatile, complex, uncertain world and prepare us to bravely create or co-create the emerging future for a better, healthy and peaceful continent. For accelerating the iridology access to the global community, your superior skills, knowledge, tenacity, creativity, integrity and intensity are the means of powering up global health distress. Iridology can never be the end; it’s always an exciting beginning. As you leave the hall after the AGM, I encourage you to work according to the Health Ministry’s guidelines in effecting a genuine reform for a better and brighter future for us all.
You shall be the nation’s best!!! I wish you a colorful celebration.
In Iridology I served,
Dr Goh Kee Soon M.D.(A.M.) PhD.