What is MIPA?
The Malaysian Iridology Practitioners’ Association (MIPA) is a non-profit organization, registered with the Resgistrar of Societies of Malaysia (Reg. No: 0743-09 WKL), founded in 2009. It is run and managed by the committee members who volunteer and are voted by MIPA practicing members in accordance to the MIPA Constitution.
The Objectives of the Association are:
1. To promote and maintain the honor, dignity, integrity and traditions of the iridology profession and to help promote and sustain the professional codes and standards of medical ethics.
2. To safeguard the professional and practice rights and interests of all certified iridologists.
3. To serve as the integrated voice of the certified iridologists in relation to educating and directing public opinion as the advocates of accessible and affordable healthcare for the client, family and the community at large.
4. To serve as the official body representing the members in all dealings and discussions with the Government, related professional and Non-Governmental Organizations and other such bodies, in matters of rights and privileges, and to advise them as and when necessary.
5. To participate in the conduct of continuing professional development and continuing education and training of members, and to cooperate with relevant authorities in the integration of such objectives.
6. To ensure affordable, accessible, equitable, appropriate and quality care in private healthcare facilities, cognizant of the fact that the essence of the profession is service to those who need and seek such advice.
Presented by Dr. Beth Hovis. She is the Doctor of Naturopathy & Holistic Medicines, and Certified Iridology Instructor.
What is Iridology?
There are a multitude of factors that influence our health and personality, and many of these factors are reflected in the iris. The Science and Art of using the markings in the iris and the shapes of the pupils is known as Iridology. Each shape, color, pattern and fiber in the iris has meaning to a skilled Iridologist and can assist them in better understanding a person’s physical/ emotional strengths and inherent weaknesses.
The Malaysian Iridology Practitioners’ Association is the accrediting body for Iridology in Malaysia. MIPA is an organization for the Malaysian Iridologists. Through MIPA, a person can get certification and support for practicing iridology in Malaysia. MIPA was founded for the purpose of increasing and diffusing knowledge concerning the art and science of Iridology and to provide a forum for the exchange of information and research with the goal of promoting excellence in international Iridology standards. MIPA’s vision is to have Iridology integrated into the healthcare system in Malaysia.
Presidential Message
by Dr. Goh Kee Soon
” Iridology as a tool has served as an Instrument in shaping Iridologists to becoming future world class natural health providers. “
PROXY-FORM (15th-2023)
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AGM 15 – Notification (2023)
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Iridology Course
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